It’s spring every day with nature light displays in St Peter’s Hospital, Chertsey

On a dark winter’s day we visited St Peter’s Hospital, Chertsey, to install the magnificent light emitting bluebell woodland display. Nothing could have prepared us for the impact it would have on a gentleman who was agitated and anxious, waiting to be seen by staff in the AECU. Immediately it was unveiled his face changed to reflect the sunshine, the optimism, and the serenity of the spring woodland. In his words “it has made me feel so much more relaxed – it is beautiful. It reminds me of walking in my local woods – it has so much light”

Nature Works for Health in partnership with Ashford and St Peter’s Hospitals has recently unveiled two nature light displays in the Ambulatory Emergency Care Unit (AECU) at St Peter’s Hospital. The Healing Arts committee, led by Chief Nurse Andrea Lewis and Deputy Chairman Marcine Waterman, meet regularly to discuss how to create an environment in the hospital that is both calming and inspiring.    In the words of Marcine

“These immersive nature displays aim to bring the beauty of the natural world into the hospital.  We believe and evidence suggests that the presence of nature and landscapes in healthcare settings can bring a number of benefits and can aid recovery, help to reduce the length of stay for patients and have a positive impact on wellbeing for staff, patients and visitors.

Which is why we’re absolutely delighted to celebrate the installation of these beautiful nature displays in our AECU at St Peter’s. As I am sure you can see, these nature displays really do have the power to take your mind away from the clinical setting and offer a sense of calm and visual serenity.” Marcine Waterman, Deputy Chairman, Non-Executive Director and champion of the Healing Arts programme at Ashford and St. Peter’s Hospitals.

st peters before


st peters after


Nature Light Displays at Chelsea and Westminster Hospital’s Adult Intensive Care Unit

Viewing Nature Photography Displays provide patients and staff with the opportunity to immerse themselves, and experience the restorative healing power of nature.

Nature Works for Health partnered with CW+, the charity of Chelsea and Westminster Hospital, to provide Nature Light Displays to the hospital.

Known for his ‘painterly’ approach to using light and shade, with his photographs conveying a sense of serenity and calm, Charlie Waite has been working in close partnership with Roger Ulrich, a specialist in biophilia, focusing on people’s innate attraction to nature and natural processes.

These immersive large light-emitting Nature Displays aim to bring the beauty of the natural world into the hospital, offering a sense of calm and visual serenity to patients, relatives and staff.

This installation is part of the Chelsea and Westminster Hospital’s Arts in Health programme, set up and run by its charity CW+, which aims to create healing environments in both clinical and non-clinical spaces for patients and staff, using landscapes as a tool to improve wellbeing and provide a calming atmosphere.

Trystan Hawkins, Director of Patient Environment at CW+, said: “It has been a pleasure working with Charlie Waite and Nature Works for Health, and we are very grateful to him for the Nature Photography Displays which have now been installed in our expanded and redeveloped ICU. Art and the physical environment play an important role in patient, family and staff wellbeing. The beautiful backlit Nature Photography Displays create a connection with the outdoors, which we hope support patient and staff wellbeing.

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